Friday, April 24, 2009

Random-ness once a Day

Yeh... today was...quite random of wateva that's happened in class. 1st...was the Chinese exam. Miss Yip was like catching all the peeps who talked...and she did..although i was talking but she never catch 0.0 random =D

lol. Ok, another one is that. After English exam was finished, teacher just left us hanging in the exam while the time was like 20 mins pass the hand in time. 0.0 another random-ness.

Hmm...i guess there was another one.. owh rite. During recess, was having a so called Geography meeting at the pavillion. And this F5 prefect asked us to be back at the foyer. We didnt. And...urgh...crap. Didnt get his name. Well, my friend said that we had pass. and he used Cik Veni who's not exactly coming anyways.... lol.

Hmm.. ok well lets stop with those random-ness thingies eh? Eh heh. Well, self-thought : i kinda miss church and my peeps there. Youth!! especially that =( Hopefully sometime later i would've the time to be there. ROXXORS!

ok well..i guess this would be my last entry for today. I received SUSHI!! =D my fav weh..... thanks...owh wait. Much thanks to Xing Ti for making it for me. Superbly nice =D thought it was from restraunt or something 0.0 lol. (dont laugh girl =) ) and thanks for like....staying back =)

o...anyways. whole weekend i'll be like... alone 0.0
FREEDOM!!!! lol. not really actually. it would be really boring with 2 more days fully staying home. bleh == i need to find SOMETHING to do!!!

welp...that's it i guess.
JC out...God Bless all =D