Saturday, July 25, 2009

Two Days in One

yeap...had a great friday and what not saturday yeh?

Friday - It was a great morning....until the afternoon where it actually burns. Well other than that. Exams..owh wait. The lil exams results was given back....well mostly all of em... You guessed it. My marks...was normal again. Not above average and not below average. Just average. Gosh... no matter what. I just couldnt bring the marks up. Man, im jealous of those other top scorers. I wished i could be like them. Maybe my parents soon one day would be proud then =X

Aiks.... Chemistry was the worst i think. Got lecturing from Madam Yip. Bleh.... normal - Our class is always the average and below. Really. I mean you can only count of some of the students here to really give the class a good name. Why?!

In class.... nothing much though. Much of everything was normal. Crazy peeps here and there =D

AFter school. Went celebrating Xing Ti's bday with her friends and yea. That's about it.

Saturday - Today - NOw - LoL. Ok forget what i typed. The morning was normal. Went out for brunch around 11 something. Ate pan mee =D long time.... Then went back...and then rested and all. Mom went out with my bro to get her and his hair done up.

Then! It was YOUTH!! Wooo!! Its really really a long time since i went back there. I MISSED my peeps so much there. WEll finally today got a chance to get back together with them. It was a real fun. Today also...we had to wear our school uniform to church. AWKWARD!! But really. The EmCee's were good. They really did a great job changing from normal youth service to a overhaul of schooling time. Heh.... had a lot of great laugh there.

Owh kay.... dinners ready now. So yea. Im gonna budge now. =) have to remove myself from sticking to the computer and have a revision tonight. Cya guys

God Bless all

JC signing off

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Phoo.... today went for a family trip to a place near Bentong... erm. Its a durian kinda farm. But with other fruits. Well basically its an orchard =) It was boring the 1st part until when i get to pluck my own mangosteen =) ROXXORS baby!!

The fruits there are like seriously waaaaayyy bigger than that of the KLs. Most of the fruits there are like super giler fresh. Lol i mean ofcourse. Fresh from the trees man. Haha.

After that....went for ice cream. Nothing much special about it though. Although my mom's colleague says that it has something special related to it. Bleh. just homemade ice creams anyways =)

Owh btw. Tnx Xing Ti for the muffins. They rox! Should open a shop next time =P Got me all filled up after my lunch. 0.0 =D

Anyways. Not gonna update long for today. Gonna catch IA3 now =)

JC out

God Bless all

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Mono-Life

Say it to me once more please?
I don't think i want to repeat it
Why not?
Its hurtful.
Life's all about the dreads
of slow paces of each day
Life's all about cries
Of mercy pleading
Life's all about ME!!

Why would you say that?

I say it again
Life's hurtful.
Life's all about the money
Of what to buy and what COULDN'T be bought
Life's all about medicine
Of curing oneself, to be better than the other
Life's all about --

Stop Stop!
Stop saying that.
There's many to LIFE
Especially if you pay attention
To every little things that you do.
To every little things that others do
Do not look at yourself
And think that everything
Revolves around you.

Life's shared
Share it with someone
Life's celebrated
Celebrate it with someone

With a small touch
Just ONE...
Small Touch
Life can change
From the worst.
To the bad
To the middling
To the Good
To the GREAT!
To the Magnificent

Life's Great....
Every little thing
not the big things
but the small...
Just like you.
Without you
Someone might not be here.
Without you
Someone couldn't be saved
Without you
Someone could DIE
Without you...
There might not be a world.

Each of us
are created
Let's share
and Rejoice in Life.
As Life is not just YOU
NOT just ME
But its everyone

Jay Cee

God Bless all =)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday already?!!

Whoa... really quicky the weeky passy =)
heh...ignore that. Ne ways...just got my dinner down my throat and into my stomach. And now im using my comp already. LIKE WHAT??!!

XD was fun... Outing afta school =) FOOH!... super nice. ;)

But anyways...let me start from school. School usual... school. Chemistry was really different today. I KNOW how to do the work!! Or maybe its just cuz that teacher keeps repeating it? I dont know... hopefully i'll carry this tru till SPM eh?

After that...lets see.... owh yea. Its maths. AWH BOTHER IT! Mr Lai Moon was still his own self. I think he has some problem controlling us really. A lot of us are at the toilet near to our class there. All hanging out =) Though later we came back in just to show our faces that we were in class....owh wait..not "we" ...them =) I WAS IN CLASS!! Though....i didnt gave attention to him as he is a very SS-ed guy...and always will be? Heh...was doing my bio PEKA. =)

Then THEN! I gotten the news from Wan Lock saying that our form4 physics teacher lost our PEKA == and we have to rush and do it. Sucks the world!! WELL...better than listening to the blabels of Mr Lai.

Then...RECESS!! As normal. Nothing was much amusing about it. Just normal walk to the canteen. Then the NORMAL walk back to our yea.. =)

Then its physics time!! Again == we gotta rush for our 1 hour! ++ some delay times...and yea... RUSH! Brain damaged =)

Then it was BM. Twas cool. Bryan was like....Annoyed at me..STILL annoyed at me for choosing him as Hang Jebat XD Sorry Bry!! But the whole period went well....

AND ALAS!! BAck home time!!

Dang. Need TaXI!!
But cant find taxi!
So walk.
Then half way
Saw TAxi!
But TaXi said no
Mau lunch
Continue walk.
Then reach
Shuang! AirCond
Then went up
Hands cold
Hold =)
Search for taXi!!
Found one
Kepong Baru.
No. Tak pergi sana
Another one.
Kepong Baru
OK OK! Masuk
Drove off
U Turn
Turn left
Turn Right
Turn left
Near fire hydrant
Got off.
Bye bye

Jay Cee
*copy righted
Elements changed to cover up somethings =)
*No names are mention
*All trademarks, taxi, XOXO-tm, walks belongs to Jay Cee's Blog 2009 All Rights Reserved

God Bless all....

JC out!