Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday already?!!

Whoa... really quicky the weeky passy =)
heh...ignore that. Ne ways...just got my dinner down my throat and into my stomach. And now im using my comp already. LIKE WHAT??!!

XD was fun... Outing afta school =) FOOH!... super nice. ;)

But anyways...let me start from school. School usual... school. Chemistry was really different today. I KNOW how to do the work!! Or maybe its just cuz that teacher keeps repeating it? I dont know... hopefully i'll carry this tru till SPM eh?

After that...lets see.... owh yea. Its maths. AWH BOTHER IT! Mr Lai Moon was still his own self. I think he has some problem controlling us really. A lot of us are at the toilet near to our class there. All hanging out =) Though later we came back in just to show our faces that we were in class....owh wait..not "we" ...them =) I WAS IN CLASS!! Though....i didnt gave attention to him as he is a very SS-ed guy...and always will be? Heh...was doing my bio PEKA. =)

Then THEN! I gotten the news from Wan Lock saying that our form4 physics teacher lost our PEKA == and we have to rush and do it. Sucks the world!! WELL...better than listening to the blabels of Mr Lai.

Then...RECESS!! As normal. Nothing was much amusing about it. Just normal walk to the canteen. Then the NORMAL walk back to our yea.. =)

Then its physics time!! Again == we gotta rush for our 1 hour! ++ some delay times...and yea... RUSH! Brain damaged =)

Then it was BM. Twas cool. Bryan was like....Annoyed at me..STILL annoyed at me for choosing him as Hang Jebat XD Sorry Bry!! But the whole period went well....

AND ALAS!! BAck home time!!

Dang. Need TaXI!!
But cant find taxi!
So walk.
Then half way
Saw TAxi!
But TaXi said no
Mau lunch
Continue walk.
Then reach
Shuang! AirCond
Then went up
Hands cold
Hold =)
Search for taXi!!
Found one
Kepong Baru.
No. Tak pergi sana
Another one.
Kepong Baru
OK OK! Masuk
Drove off
U Turn
Turn left
Turn Right
Turn left
Near fire hydrant
Got off.
Bye bye

Jay Cee
*copy righted
Elements changed to cover up somethings =)
*No names are mention
*All trademarks, taxi, XOXO-tm, walks belongs to Jay Cee's Blog 2009 All Rights Reserved

God Bless all....

JC out!

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