where'd i stop?
owh yea... wait.. the place. LOL. Okay. so well anyways, the 1st program was like Confidence in Water or somesort. We took a cargo lorry there. Which was really COOL!! We were like pack sardins behind the lorry and it was hell'a roller coaster ride behind it. Up hill down hill with all the hoo haas...
When we were there...THE SEA..WAS...a damn hecka nice sight to be seen. VIRTUAL SCREEN SAVER!!! Heck yea! the sand was pure white and the sea was pure blue-ish-green-ish style. So you get what i mean. We were given a talk about it being a training bla bla bla before we go for the snorkling or somesort. BLEH! EASY! lol. 'Twas boring after awhile swimming in the same place and all...but the sigh was remarkable =)
So...after that. We went back. But without the lorry for the boys this time. Guess there's no touch touch for the couples in the back of the lorry then? HAHA! ok wait....i was juz being sarcastic, dont hit me!! 0.0 Back at the camp site, or to say the dorm site, we had our rest, and then dinner time. This time it was better than lunch. Crap..i forgot what we had. LOL
The first night...was....sweet dreams. Before that we got a talk again about tomorrow's program and what are we gonna expect about the snorkling and all...u noe..the usual bla bla bla stuff =) So after that. We kinda had a lil talk here and there. Gambling group yea. Lol. But i went straight to sleep after that. Didnt care to stay up to watch them gamble =/ was too damn tired =X Slept tru the night!!
Sunday, Morning, 5.20am
OMG! MOrning!! HAha. 1st thing was... "ARYL!!! BRUSH TEETTTTHHHH" yea == 2 days in a row didnt brush my teeth already. and have to survive on mints =O haha. Funny huh? So after that, we had another meeting in the canteen. Program : Turtle island!! =) time to go!! Had to wait again like errr an hour. == such annoyance. =) but anyways it was worth the wait. it was like 45 mins boating all the way there. The sight of the ocean and the islands was once again remarkable!! Saw a few turtles on the way there. ONCE IN A LIFE TIME MAN!!! LOl.
We stopped like a few 100 meters away from shore and then....ABANDON SHIP!!! everyone jumped from the ship! LOL! it was so cool! then we have to swim towards the island. and we were told like tat we're VIPs cuz no normal vacation-ers can be there. So yea, saw many turtle tracks...nests...and we even helped out to clean up the beach. Phew* hawt foot!!! OUCH! lol and i kinda signed up for a vow tat not to eat turtle eggs for the rest of my life! CONTRIBUTION to TURTLE saving =)
so...this is end of part 2, gonna upload some pics juz like i've promised u guys =)
While waiting...PICS-eys!!
And HIGH HOO!!! LOOK AT THE....errr...something fly??
Hmmm....JY, Chelle and Laine =) and me..owh wait! SHUU!!! UR FINGERS!!
Bazar wasn't open so..hurrah! watz tat Chelle's holding? o.0 lol
Emo-Elmos....and here come happy go luck Aryl == lol
RAWR!! Vincent was trying to get into the pic and Keith wasnt ready!
Groupies!! This is basically my groupie throught out =)
So yea....there u have it. Gonna upload more pics IF i get them from around =)
JC out! God bless all
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